Wednesday, January 14, 2009

2009 is gonna be a good year...

2009 is upon us. Hooray!

And do we have some wonderful news for you.

Our performances continue into the new year at ComedyCity! Every second and fourth Saturday at 10:00pm to be exact. That means....

1/10 2/14 3/14
1/24 2/28 3/28

4/11 5/09 6/13
4/25 5/23 6/27

7/11 8/08 9/12
7/25 8/22 9/26

10/10 11/14 12/12
10/24 11/28 12/26

If you would like to purchase tickets, check out their website here.  

Looks at all of those dates! 12 months, 2 shows a month... that's 24 shows. What a great way to start off our newest tour in our newest home- Kansas City. We love you.

In addition to the dates listed, STITCH TACTICS is proud to compete in this year's Improv Thunderdome. This Valentine's Day at the Westport Coffee House at 8:00pm, STITCH TACTICS will be competing against BABEL FISH and PROMPT & CIRCUMSTANCE. So get your tickets quickly! This show will sell out! If we win, we will go on to the final round on April 11. So stay tuned! Who knows what could happen...

You just wait... VERY exciting news will be announced within the next 48 hours....

STITCH TACTICS continues to grow in numbers and popularity. Check back often and we'll see you at our next show!

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